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Education | Consultancy | Training

Cannulation and Venesection Workshop

Cannulation and Venesection Workshop

Cannulation and Venesection is a fantastic skill to have as a nurse. Our course will provide you with the knowledge and practice in this skill set. The course includes a look into what regular blood tests we do and why as well as the difference techniques used in both venesection and cannulation. Our class numbers are set to a maxiumum of 6 to ensure you have plenty of opportunity to ask questions as well as practice these skills

Cannulation and Venesection (CANNULATION_AND_VENESECTION_2024.docx, 1,124 Kb) [Download]

Course Content

• Anatomy and physiology
• The equipment required for Canulation and Venesection
• Canulation techniques and practice
• Order of draw
• Venesection techniques and practice
• Caring for the blood sample
• Complications and Management
• Common Blood Tests and what they mean

7 Places

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