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Education | Consultancy | Training

Craft your CPD experience around your specific nursing educational requirements! Book us in for tailored staff training, tutoring, conferences, events & more

If you're searching for a specific CPD seminar but can’t find the right topic or if you like too many topics and want to combine them ECT4Health has the perfect solution for you. Tell us what your wish list is and we will create your very own tailor-made CPD session. From small training groups to large fundraising events, our world class nursing educators will come to your venue to address specific development gaps and needs with content and activities designed around your learning objectives and outcomes - not academic jargon.


Our services include:

  • Tutoring – face-to-face or via Skype
  • Tailor your own education – Wish List Days
  • Fund Raising programs – we come to your event – you sell tickets
  • Consultancy and key note speaking - Career mentoring, reviewing workplace educational material, MC at your next health-related event and keynote address or presentations
  • Written blogs and KYJ’s (Know Your Jargon) posts on social media
  • Rob is active on the social media outlets


Tailor your own learning experience and easily knock over your required CPD at the same time. Learn more or book:

Consultation Tutoring Enquire Now