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Education | Consultancy | Training

CPD Education

Discover all the ways you can further your learning with ECT4 Health, including seminars, workshops, online education, CPD holidays, team training and more.

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The ECT4Health Acute Deteriorating Patient Seminar is a two day program which overviews the assessment and management of patients with a range of presentations that represent acute deterioration.

The ECT4Health Suturing for Health Professionals workshop is ideal for nurses, doctors and students wishing to learn or refresh the suturing techniques for closure of lacerations. 

The ECT4Health Plastering, Casting and Slabbing workshop is a full day hands-on practical seminar on the assessment of limb injuries and the application of plaster of paris (POP) slabs.

ECT4Health’s Assessment Skills workshop (ASW) is a great new practical hands-on workshop held over three days.  Many nurses working in acute ambulatory settings require Triage skills which mandates sharp initial assessment skills.  

ECT4Health has designed a 5-day program to prepare you for some of the challenges of working in rural and remote locations and aims to provide you with the confidence to explore these work opportunities.